Types of Thinking — Unlocking the Mind’s Marvels; A Thrilling Expedition through the Wonderland of Thought!

Basavarajeshwari Ambi
5 min readJan 2, 2024


Hello, fellow Thought Adventurers! Ready for a cool trip into the amazing world of how our brains work? Get ready because we’re about to find out how our brains throw the best party ever! Just a heads up: it’s not your usual get-together — it’s like a funfair of creativity, a ride of thinking, and a show of cool ideas!

1. Convergent Thinking: The Decision-Making DJ 🎧

Ever found yourself in a dilemma choosing from a hundred options on a menu? That’s your brain working its magic in a decision-making DJ booth. Convergent thinking is like the DJ dropping the ultimate beat — the perfect choice that turns you into the star of the show!

Convergent Thinking

2. Divergent Thinking: Creativity Unleashed! 🚀

Remember that time you had to write an essay and your ideas flowed effortlessly? That’s the rocket launch of divergent thinking. It’s like a marathon of essay writing where ideas flow faster than a caffeine-infused brainstorm.

Divergent Thinking

3. Linear Thinking: The Brain’s GPS System 🗺️

Picture yourself on a hike, following a trail step by step. That’s linear thinking, your brain’s GPS system guiding you through challenges, one step at a time. No shortcuts, just the thrilling joy of exploration!

Linear Thinking

4. Nonlinear Thinking: The Intuition Rollercoaster 🎢

Let’s ditch the linear path and hop onto the intuition rollercoaster! Nonlinear thinking is a spontaneous, loop-de-loop journey where your gut feeling becomes the compass for unexpected adventures. Picture this: you’re at a crossroads, with no time for Google Maps. Your gut kicks in, guiding you to take a route that turns out to be spot-on. That’s nonlinear thinking in action!

Nonlinear Thinking

5. Concrete/Perceptual Thinking: Fact Ninja Mode ON! 🥷

Picture a trivia night where one of your friends effortlessly dominates every round. They seem to have an encyclopedic knowledge of various subjects, answering questions with confidence and accuracy. This friend is operating in Concrete/Perceptual Thinking, showcasing a ninja-like proficiency in handling tangible details. Whether it’s historical events, scientific principles, or obscure facts, they navigate the information landscape with finesse, earning them the esteemed title of a “Fact Ninja.”

Concrete/Perceptual Thinking

6. Abstract Thinking: Picasso-ing Your Thoughts 🎨

Welcome to the thought art studio! Abstract thinking is where your mind becomes the Picasso of connections, painting vibrant patterns and meaning beyond the ordinary. It’s like turning everyday thoughts into masterpieces! Think of a time when seemingly unrelated ideas clicked together, creating a eureka moment in problem-solving. That’s the magic of abstract thinking!

Abstract Thinking

7. Associative Thinking: Mind’s Symphony Orchestra 🎻🎺

Imagine you’re planning a themed dinner party, and each element, from the decorations to the menu, is thoughtfully chosen to create a cohesive and immersive experience. Associative thinking, in this scenario, is the guiding force behind your choices. You effortlessly link various aspects — the color scheme, the cuisine, and the ambiance — ensuring they harmonize to evoke a specific atmosphere. Just as a conductor orchestrates different instruments to produce a harmonious symphony, your mind, through associative thinking, orchestrates elements to craft a seamless and memorable event.

Associative Thinking

8. Reflective Thinking: Time-Traveling Brain 🕰️

Buckle up for a time-travel adventure! Reflective thinking is your brain’s DeLorean, taking you back to analyze past experiences. It’s like being Marty McFly, but with 5 minutes of being fashionably late to school. Imagine journaling about your experiences and learning from your past self. That’s the power of reflective thinking, where each entry becomes a stepping stone for personal growth!

Reflective Thinking

9. Application Thinking: Real-Life Superhero Mode! 🦸‍♂️

Suit up, superhero! Application thinking is your brain donning the cape of practicality, turning theories into real-life actions. It’s the ‘3 Idiots’ moment where bookish knowledge meets the superhero of application. Picture successfully fixing a household appliance using online instructions. Applause for the superhero of application thinking, turning theoretical know-how into real-world solutions!

Application Thinking

10. Analytical Thinking: Brain’s Puzzle-solving Gym 💪

Get ready for a mental workout! Analytical thinking is your brain hitting the puzzle-solving gym, breaking down complexities like a heavyweight champion. Each step is a flex of mental muscle power! Think of solving a Sudoku puzzle or deciphering a cryptic crossword. That’s the strength of analytical thinking at play, systematically tackling challenges one square at a time!

Analytical Thinking

11. Creative Thinking: Mind’s Firework Extravaganza! 🎆

Cue the fireworks! Creative thinking is your mind’s Fourth of July, exploding with innovative sparks and dazzling displays. It’s the force that lights up the sky of imagination. Imagine designing a unique DIY project or crafting a one-of-a-kind piece of art. That’s the magic of creative thinking, turning mundane moments into a dazzling display of innovation!

Creative Thinking

12. Critical Thinking: Brain’s Truth Detective Agency 🕵️‍♀️

Detective mode: activated! Critical thinking is your brain’s Sherlock Holmes, meticulously evaluating new info like a truth detective. No misinformation gets past this savvy sleuth. Consider fact-checking news articles or scrutinizing online information for accuracy. That’s the vigilance of critical thinking, ensuring only the truth makes it through the detective agency of your mind!

Critical Thinking


And there you have it, the mind’s very own wonderland of thought! So, next time you feel the neurons firing up, embrace the chaos, enjoy the carnival, and let your thoughts throw the party of a lifetime. Happy thinking, thrill-seekers! 🎉🚀

